
Is your hometown where you grew up?

Is your hometown where you grew up?

Yes, hometown may refer to a place different from the one you grew up in: hometown: the town or city that a person is from, especially the one in which they were born and lived while they were young: He was born in Miami, but he considers New York his hometown since he’s lived there most of his life.

What do you call the place where you grew up?

“My old home” is idiomatic and often used to mean ‘the home I grew up (or spent a significant amount of time) in’; in context, it doesn’t literally mean the home is old (that is relative). “The house I grew up in” is also fine.

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What does your hometown mean to you?

An individual’s place of birth, childhood home, or place of main residence. The town or city of one’s birth, rearing, or main residence. The definition of hometown is the place where you grew up or have lived for a long time. The town where someone lived during elementary and primary school is an example of hometown.

Is the place you grow up a good thing?

And maybe that’s a good thing. In an Atlantic article about the psychology of home, the environmental psychologist Susan Clayton says: “For better or worse, the place where we grew up usually retains an iconic status.”

Would you be different if you grew up in a different neighborhood?

Comments are no longer being accepted. I probably would be a different person if I grew up in a different neighborhood, there would be different people and experiences, so of course I wouldn’t be the same. I would probably be in an even better school if I lived in my old neighborhood. The type of neighborhood i live in is very peaceful.

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Why do people leave their hometowns?

Not everyone leaves their hometown, and many of us are compelled to move primarily by work, school or a relationship, rather than a desire for change. One thing that’s almost universally true: it’s easier to notice the nuances of where you’re from (and which traits rubbed off on you) when you take a step away.

How does your neighborhood shape you?

your neighborhood doesnt shape you but it can be influential if you gain.For example if a african american boy lives in the hood that doesnt mean he’s a thug but if he lets his neighborhood influence then he might become one.Being in a peaceful enviorment will also have influence in a neighborhood.