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Should I clean shave for US visa interview?

Should I clean shave for US visa interview?

Thanks for the A2A. I don’t think being clean shaven is a requirement but it certainly creates a good first impression on the visa officer. Remember, body language counts during an interview and so does your dress code. It would improve your chances slightly if you go clean shaven.

Should I shave my beard for passport photo?

Beard In Passport Photo: Frequently Asked Questions No – according to the official requirements of most countries, you do not need to shave your beard for a passport photo. It is however always advisable to check the specific criteria of your country.

Can I take US visa photo with beard?

Only if your appearance has significantly changed from what is in your current passport. Growing a beard or coloring your hair would not constitute a significant change. If you can still be identified from the photo in your current passport, you do not need to apply for a new passport.

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Can I have a beard in my passport photo USA?

Are you allowed a beard? Yes. There’s nothing to stop you from keeping – or growing –your facial hair just because you need a passport photo. This isn’t just the case for beards, but also goatees, mustaches, and stubble.

Is beard allowed in Indian passport photo?

Photo should present full head from top of hair to bottom of chin. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown. The expression on the face should look natural.

Does my hair have to be down for a passport photo?

Take a look at the photo in your previous passport and make sure you wear a different outfit in your new photo. Make sure your hair does not cover your face. Bangs are OK, but make sure your eyes are both visible. A collared shirt or a top with a high neckline is recommended.

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Why was my passport photo rejected?

Many photographs are rejected due to the natural human reaction to a camera – a smile. Another common cause of passport photograph rejection is if there are “alien” objects in the background (shadows or other distractions) or that the image is overexposed and too bright, making detail hard to read.