
Should I go to a funeral of an estranged family member?

Should I go to a funeral of an estranged family member?

If you feel emotionally and physically safe attending a funeral and want to be there to support one or more family members, then you may consider going. You should consider not attending a funeral if: Your presence would upset or cause a distraction to those in mourning. You have been asked not to attend.

How do you decide if you should attend a funeral?

As a general rule, if you feel like you want to attend the service and you’ve been invited, then you should attend. If you didn’t know the person who died but you have a relationship with the bereaved—even if only a casual relationship—your attendance can help to make the bereaved feel cared for and supported.

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How do you deal with sibling estrangement?

10 ways to cope with sibling estrangement

  1. Stop justifying your sibling’s negative behavior.
  2. Ask yourself if estrangement is the only solution.
  3. Decide if you want a temporary or permanent separation.
  4. Don’t expect an apology or a change of heart.
  5. Communicate your feelings.
  6. Refrain from involving other relatives.

Do you have to give a speech at a funeral?

It’s common for the family to ask if any guests wish to speak at the funeral. Speaking at a funeral is a great way to express your feelings about the loss of a loved one, particularly if you were close to this person. You also might give a speech if you’re close to a family member of the deceased.

What is a funeral and should you attend one?

Funerals aren’t about the dead. In reality, they’re a way for the family to find comfort and peace. While it’s usually a good idea to attend the funeral if you’re close to the deceased or the family, this isn’t always the case.

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What to say when someone dies without a funeral?

To let the family know you’re thinking of them, give them a call. Offer your sincere condolences, and ask if there’s anything else they need. This is also an appropriate time to inform them that you’re unable to attend the funeral. However, keep your explanation short. This isn’t the time for a long-winded chat. Short and sweet is always best. 2.

Is it okay to skip the funeral?

Every family wants to see a large group there to support them and the deceased in their time of need. Sometimes it’s okay to skip the funeral. In general, if your presence would be unwelcome in any way or a disturbance, you should find another way to pay your respects.