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Should I learn Python after HTML CSS and JavaScript?

Should I learn Python after HTML CSS and JavaScript?

Conclusion: you don’t need to know HTML or CSS to learn Python, and you don’t need to know Python to use HTML or CSS. They are all super useful to know, but you don’t need to worry about learning one before the other. Codecademy.com is a fantastic site to learn about both Python and HTML/CSS/JS.

Which language should I learn first HTML CSS or JavaScript?

That’s right—if you are setting out to learn your first programming language after handling HTML and CSS basics, you should start with JavaScript before Python, Ruby, PHP or other similar languages.

Should I learn Python or JavaScript for web development?

Both are good, but python seems more prevalent if you’re planning to jump into Cloud services. Don’t compare HTML, CSS with JavaScript and Python. HTML and CSS are not programming languages. You can learn them in a week but, that’s not the case with JavaScript or Python. The JavaScript and Python has become more diversified.

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Which programming language should I learn after learning HTML CSS and JavaScript?

So there several Languages that you can learn after Learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript but we recommend you to Learn PHP. Learn Designing After HTML, CSS and JavaScript Web Designing and Development are two Different Things. SO if you Like to Develop Website then you should learn some Programming Languages like PHP after HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

How much time does it take to learn HTML and CSS?

HTML and CSS are not programming languages. You can learn them in a week but, that’s not the case with JavaScript or Python. The JavaScript and Python has become more diversified. So, I recommend you to spend a week to know about what HTML and CSS is and the functionalities of some tags and CSS properties etc.

What skills do I need to learn to become a web designer?

HTML and css- you need to learn HTML and CSS and understand how to integrate this and play around with the different styles and tags. This will take some time as you need to figure out which is the correct approach for you. In addition you will have to learn HTML 5 concepts with css3 as well.