
Should I read Aristotle or Plato?

Should I read Aristotle or Plato?

The “best” order would depend on your goal. If your goal is to get an A in “Plato class” and you have limited time, the “best” order would be to start with Plato. If your goal is to get an idea of how these ancient philosophers’ views changed over time, it might be appropriate to read Socrates, Plato, then Aristotle.

Why should I read Plato?

It seems likely that the name we know him by was a nickname, his real name being Aristocles. “Plato” resonates with the Greek platus, meaning “broad”. It might suggest he was a wrestler at one point, or more lyrically, that he could write across a broad range of styles.

In what order should I read Aristotle?

C. BCE). Andronicus grouped the works by category and arranged them in an order of study: first logic, then natural science, then ethics and politics. Note that the Metaphysics, as its title suggests, follows next in order after the works on natural science, and just before the works on ethics and politics.

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How hard is it to read Plato and Aristotle?

Aristotle’s work is hard. It has very strict language and is like reading a formal paper in some aspects. If you start from Aristotle you may get discouraged. Plato’s books are in dialogues and actually are in a sense very poetic. Plato was one of the best writers (in a sense artist) that ever existed.

What is the best order to read Aristotle’s works?

There is one additional reason for this order i.e. Socrates, Plato then Aristotle, besides that it is the only order you can make sense of what is written. Aristotle’s work is hard. It has very strict language and is like reading a formal paper in some aspects.

What is the difference between Plato and Aristotle’s theory of forms?

The most fundamental difference between Plato and Aristotle concerns their theories of forms. (When used to refer to forms as Plato conceived them, the term “Form” is conventionally capitalized, as are the names of individual Platonic Forms. The term is lowercased when used to refer to forms as Aristotle conceived them.)

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Is Plato a good book to teach?

I find Plato much easier to teach, since the allegorical and other such moments are easier for students to relate to.