
Should one always confess their feelings to the other one?

Should one always confess their feelings to the other one?

I have this opinion, that one should always confess their feelings to the other one, and not keep it suppressed within themselves. Many step back from confessing, thinking it might ruin their current bonding; or they simply wait for the right time to come, when it was always there.

Is it selfish to have a crush on someone?

Ultimately, a crush is a selfish act. It typically happens at the start of knowing someone. It comes from a personal space of wanting to feel love for a person and often is without truly knowing that other person. That’s why they call it a crush, after all.

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How do I confess my feelings to a guy I like?

You do not need to confess feelings. Instead, show them by making an effort to hang out with the person, getting to know the person, and eventually dating them. Most good things in life take time and effort. From a successful career to falling in love. Trust us, the gradual game is the way to go. Geek by chance, and an artist by birth.

Should you confess feelings to someone before you date?

All of this is to say, take your time. You do not need to confess feelings. Instead, show them by making an effort to hang out with the person, getting to know the person, and eventually dating them. Most good things in life take time and effort. From a successful career to falling in love.

Should I confess to my friend that I don’t expect anything back?

Go ahead and confess, my friend. Maybe he/she is expecting something from you. It’s always healthy to reach a point with most any person to express yourself. As a matter of personal preference, I would not bother mentioning “I don’t expect anything in return”. I would let my expression if my feelings for someone stand on its own.

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Does a woman care if a man confesses his love for her?

If she cares for him, she will respect, admire and even love him even more for admitting his love for her; if she has doesn’t respect him, she just won’t care if he confessed his love for her.

How do you deal with a man who doesn’t express his feelings?

Honesty is the best policy. If he didn’t tell you what he felt when he felt it, and is suppressing himself, his feelings will come out in the end eventually, sometimes in the most passive, mysterious, and ultimately explosive ways. He needs to just express himself right when he feels, Why make it more painful and drastic in the end??