
Should uber be liable for the conduct of its driver?

Should uber be liable for the conduct of its driver?

Uber drivers are instead considered independent contractors. This distinction has allowed the company to deny liability when their drivers are involved in accidents. In contrast to the treatment involving employees, companies are generally not liable for the actions of independent contractors.

What is the purpose of constructive possession?

Often used in criminal law prosecutions for possession crimes, such as possession of illegal drugs. Generally, for a court to find that a person had constructive possession of an object, the person must have had knowledge of the object, and as well as the ability to control it.

Are passengers insured in Uber cars?

Uber said that not only are their drivers required to have insurance, there is also a company policy that protects passengers in case of an accident. This is in addition to each partner’s own insurance coverage,” the spokesperson said.

What happens if you get drunk on an Uber ride?

After the driver has ended the trip, report your experience to Uber. By law, you cannot drive or bike while intoxicated. The law prohibits driving or biking while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance that impairs your ability to safely operate a vehicle.

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What should I do if my Uber driver is under the influence?

Never bring illegal drugs or open containers of alcohol into a car. If you have reason to believe your driver may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, ask the driver to end the trip immediately. Then exit the car and call 911. After the driver has ended the trip, report your experience to Uber.

What happens if you get caught with drugs in your car?

Under the law, you are not automatically guilty just because drugs happen to be in a car that you are driving. And you are not automatically innocent just because a passenger owns the drugs.

Can an Uber driver refuse to pick up a service animal?

By law, you can’t refuse a trip because a rider is traveling with a service animal. If you refuse to transport a rider traveling with a service animal, you may lose access to the Uber app. Your driver can’t refuse to transport you because you’re riding with a service animal.