
Should you explain yourself to people?

Should you explain yourself to people?

You don’t have to explain yourself. Whether those choices are the right ones can only be determined over time, but that is not the point. You made those choices based on your own experiences and knowledge. Nothing anyone else can say or do will change the decisions you’ve already made.

Why do I need to explain myself all the time?

Overexplaining might be a type of response to past trauma, also known as the fawn response, Nobrega says. If you’ve experienced trauma, you might rely on people pleasing behaviors like over explaining to keep you safe. You might also slip into over explaining if you’ve been gaslit.

Why do I explain myself too much?

This is because of your underlying need to prove your point, and to re-assure yourself that you are right. There are people who give less care to what others think about them but then those who care too much about their image feel the need to explain themselves all the time to ward off the fear of not being taken in the wrong sense.

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Why do we need to explain our actions to others?

The one who is more accepted in group of work or in personal life feels more happy and light all the time. This makes us to explain our every action to others. Also, there is this compulsive need to continually keep proving ourselves right. There are times when nobody is concerned about your opinions or decisions but you still explain.

Do you need an explanation when the other person doesn’t?

Like the previous example, there are situations where we assume that the other person requires an explanation, when in fact they don’t. While there are circumstances that could use an explanation, more often than not, your answer, statement, question (whatever it may be), is more than enough.

Why do I feel obligated to say yes to everything?

Often, they are a result of my own self-doubt and desire for people to like me. For example, I feel an obligation to say yes to any invitation or request I receive. Sometimes I’m glad to agree, other times I’d prefer to do something else.