
Should you follow your heart or your head when it comes to love?

Should you follow your heart or your head when it comes to love?

Listening to your head may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart increases your risk of regret, so if you want to lead a more satisfying life, follow your heart.

Why we should follow your heart?

When we follow our hearts, we learn to trust our intuition. We are more in tune with what our hearts are telling us to do and what direction they are leading us. When we learn we can trust our intuition, we are more open to following our hearts.

Why is listening the heart of communication?

Listening is the sincerest form of flattery and shows the deepest form of connection. In order to live a life of leadership and meaningful connection, we have to consciously choose to slow down, give up our own agenda, and develop the capacity to focus on others by making an effort to fully understand them.

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What does it means to follow your heart?

Definition of follow one’s heart : to do what one would really love to do I decided to follow my heart and take up acting.

Should You Follow Your Head or your heart?

Your head, if you’re a logical thinker, it will lead you in the right direction. The heart is deceptive and will lead you to destruction. Always follow your heart, it sounds stupid right? But this is the reality, you can never be nourished if you follow your head.

What is the meaning of Follow Your Heart answer wiki?

Answer Wiki. The wisdom behind the phrase ‘follow your heart’ is that future is not a mere extension of past, hence completely relying on one’s knowledge that is based on past to make a decision is a limited way to approach a future that is filled with endless possibilities.

Should you really listen to Your Heart?

Friends and family will likely tell you to “listen to your heart,” as it “knows what’s best for you.” Oprah Winfrey, too, suggests you follow your emotional inclinations rather than those logic would suggest. But is that really good advice? Think back on the times when you did follow your heart.

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Does love require both heart and mind?

As you can see, it requires both heart and mind throughout the process of love, but the mind needs to work a lot more than the heart. You just have to listen to your heart, but your mind needs to be sharp to make it work as the odds are horrible.