Should you really follow your passion?

Should you really follow your passion?

According to three Stanford researchers’ findings, the “follow your passion” advice can be detrimental to an individual’s success due to narrowmindedness and dedication to a single passion. Here’s why “follow your passion” is bad career advice: It assumes we will only have one passion in life.

Should you follow your passion in college?

Most people won’t stay in one profession or job for their entire career. Thus, some will return to College to pursue new areas of study. We suggest you seed, cultivate and follow your passion because it will offer you the greatest fulfillment and chance for success. Not everyone has something they are passionate about.

Why Following your passion is important?

When you follow your passion and really enjoy what you do, nothing will stop you from getting your work done. Because you are passionate about what you do, you feel unstoppable and nothing can get in the way of you achieving greatness.

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What Covid 19 taught us?

The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates to us the value of freedom – the freedom to move, to be with those we love, to live in dignity and security – for ourselves and for those around us, from our loved ones to the refugees and the downtrodden.

Why should you Follow Your Passion in life?

By following your passion in life, you’ll build up character. It takes true strength to go after what is you truly love to do in life. And, naturally, you’ll reach new understandings about life, love and the people that surround you, which will help to further foster and develop your character.

Should you pursue your passion at work?

Finally, you don’t necessarily even need to pursue passion at work. If your job does not allow you to pursue your passion, or if you just don’t want to do so at work, you can find time and space to pursue activities you are passionate about outside of your job.

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What motivates you to stay passionate about school?

As you say yourself, the work load and the school-related stress discourages you— the fact is, you need to focus on what intrinsically motivates you in order to stay passionate about school and about education in general. External motivators such as grades and recognition can only get you so far in school.

Is your passion fixed or flawed?

Indeed, research has shown that believing passion is fixed can make people less likely to explore new topics—potential new sources of passion. It also leads people to give up on new pursuits more quickly if they seem difficult.