
Was Draco mean to Dobby?

Was Draco mean to Dobby?

Dobby was the resident house-elf of Malfoy Manor, serving Lucius Malfoy, his wife Narcissa, and their only son Draco. They treated Dobby with unkindness and cruelty, often reminding him to perform extra punishments on himself when he did something disagreeable to them. The Malfoys were harsh and abused Dobby often.

Why did Narcissa save Harry Potter?

Not knowing whether Draco was alive or dead, Narcissa chose to lie to the Dark Lord rather than risk losing her son. Narcissa may have concealed the truth from Voldemort to save her son, but she inadvertently helped Harry to victory in doing so.

What did Narcissa say to Harry Potter?

In a whisper, she asked if Draco was alive. When Harry replied quietly that he was, Narcissa betrayed the Dark Lord and asserted that Harry was dead. She knew the only way her family would be reunited was as part of Voldemort’s conquering army, thus proving she loved her family more than she supported Voldemort.

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What did Dobby catch that set him free from Mr Malfoy?

When Lucius Malfoy took the diary out of the sock, he threw the useless piece of clothing and Dobby caught it, making him free.

Did Draco hurt Dobby?

14 DRACO’S FAMILY WAS CRUEL TOWARDS DOBBY When Dobby worked for the Malfoy family, Lucius repeatedly abused the beloved house-elf. Many wizards sadly treat their house-elves like slaves, but the Malfoys took their cruelty a step further by physically hurting Dobby and constantly throwing insults at him.

What color was Harry sock Dobby?

Dobby knitted Harry a mis-matched pair of socks for Christmas: “The left sock was bright red and had a pattern of broomsticks upon it; the right sock was green with a pattern of Snitches” (GF23).

What does Narcissa Malfoy look like in Harry Potter?

Draco Malfoy ‘s mother. She’s pale and blond, like Draco and Lucius, and it becomes clear early on that while Narcissa may believe that Voldemort has the right idea when it comes to blood purity and his vision for the world, she’s more interested in protecting her family than in sacrificing anyone she loves for Voldemort’s vision.

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Is Narcissa Malfoy related to Draco Malfoy?

Narcissa Malfoy (née Black ), (b. 1955) was an English pure-blood witch, the youngest daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black (née Rosier ), younger sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks, wife of Lucius Malfoy, mother of Draco Malfoy and the grandmother of Scorpius Malfoy.

Where did Narcissa Malfoy go to school?

Narcissa was educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from c. 1966 – 1973. Sorted into Slytherin House, she met her future husband, Lucius Malfoy, whilst at Hogwarts. It is possible that Narcissa met Severus Snape and other future Death Eaters at Hogwarts, thanks in no small part to Lucius, who has been friends with them ever since.

Why did Narcissa lie to Voldemort about Harry’s death?

Narcissa took necessary measures to protect her family, including lying to Voldemort about Harry Potter being dead during the Battle of Hogwarts, an act which saved the Malfoys from serving time in Azkaban following the Dark Lord’s defeat.