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Was Hirohito a good person?

Was Hirohito a good person?

Japanese Emperor While his reign saw an incredible amount of political turmoil, he remained a gentle man who allegedly had limited influence over the military and its politics.

Why did MacArthur spare Hirohito?

American cynicism about war crimes was not confined to Hirohito. Those responsible for the appalling deeds of the biological warfare Unit 731 in China were spared because the United States wanted their expertise, just as it exploited Nazi intelligence chiefs and rocket scientists. Hirohito’s guilt is hard to dispute.

Why was General Bonner Fellers demoted?

After his military career, he was demoted from brigadier general to colonel by President Dwight Eisenhower, who disliked him. Fellers got into extreme right-wing politics and even joined the John Birch Society.

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How is MacArthur viewed in Japan?

“Americans regard MacArthur as a conqueror of Japan but the Japanese did not take him that way. He was a liberator. Japanese regarded MacArthur as the highest human being, just below god,” said Rinjiro Sodei, a political scientist who has written several books about MacArthur.

Did Emperor Hirohito want to surrender?

His second connection came with the discussion of surrender in 1945. Hirohito had a chance to end the war earlier, as it became clearer that Japan could not win. He did not surrender then, and maintained a hope through August that the Soviet Union could serve as an intermediary for a negotiated peace.

What happened to the emperor of Japan after WW2?

Upon surrendering, basically the only concession that the Japanese walked away with was the fact that the emperor wasn’t going to be removed as emperor. However, under the Shinto Directive of 1945, he was removed of any power and left like a figurehead… more or less like the monarchy in Britain.

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What did the emperor of Japan promise the Japanese people?

The only promise pertinent to the emperor was the pledge that after occupation and satisfactory demonstration that Japan was peaceful, the Japanese people would be free to choose their own form of government. This clearly allowed the Japanese people to retain the imperial institution if they so choose.

Why were US officials divided on Hirohito’s fate?

Top US officials sharply divided on Hirohito’s fate. The “retentionists” insisted that promising Hirohito’s continued status as emperor was both essential to obtain the surrender of Japan and to secure the compliance with that surrender by Japan’s armed forces.

What was the most important step in Japan’s surrender?

Top Image: Emperor Hirohito inspects Japanese troops, 1938. Courtesy of Asahi Shimbun. One line of argument about Japan’s surrender maintains the crucial step was a US pledge that Emperor Hirohito could remain on the throne.