
Was the American Revolution inevitable or could it have been avoided?

Was the American Revolution inevitable or could it have been avoided?

The actions of British and colonial leaders made the American Revolution unavoidable. The actions of people on both sides sank efforts to fix British and American colonial relations, but the conflict could have been avoided if some had acted differently.

Would the US exist without France?

Plainly stated, if France hadn’t supported the United States during the American Revolution, there wouldn’t be a United States today. George Washington was a great general, but the Continental Army simply didn’t have the money, men, training, or seafaring vessels necessary to defeat the British.

How did the war lead to America’s independence?

The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War (1754–63). Read more about the causes of the American Revolution in the United States article.

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How could the American Revolution been prevented?

After the Seven Years War, the American colonists were prideful. The American Revolution could have been avoided if the British did not keep such a tight hold on the colonists, gave them representation in parliament, and gave them the birthrights they desperately wanted. … show more content…

Was the American Revolution avoidable Why or why not?

The American Revolution was not avoidable because the king wanted complete control over the colonies.

Why was American Independence inevitable?

The American Revolution was inevitable because England kept trying to take full control of a self governing group of people who lived in the colonies. When the war ended in 1763, the British saw an opportunity to regain some money by taxing the colonies (Benson).

Could Great Britain have won the Revolutionary War?

Q: Could the British have won the Revolutionary War? Yes, the British could have won the Revolutionary War although later the British argued otherwise. Britain missed some golden opportunities to win the war before France allied with the Americans.