Tips and tricks

Was there a problem with setting up English on Facebook?

Was there a problem with setting up English on Facebook?

This article explains how to change and undo changes to the language on Facebook. Instructions apply to any web browser, Android, and iOS apps.

How do I change my Facebook from UK to US English?

Change language settings for Facebook in browser

  1. Click on the drop down arrow in the top right.
  2. Select Settings & Privacy.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on Language and Region.
  5. Click Edit in the Facebook language section.
  6. Select your preferred language from the drop down and click on Save Changes.

How do I change the language on Facebook back to English?

If you own an Android, you can also change the language through your Facebook app:

  1. Click the menu icon on the top right of the menu bar (it’s the three horizontal lines).
  2. Scroll down and open the “Settings & Privacy” sub menu. Select “Language.”
  3. Now choose your language from the list provided.
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What is the Portuguese for language?

Portugal/Official languages

Why does Facebook show my location wrong?

If you don’t recognize a location and it’s not connected to a mobile device, it could be because: We have inaccurate information: Sometimes we can only provide an approximate location that may appear inaccurate compared to your actual current location.

Is Facebook different in different countries?

Many countries have banned or temporarily limited access to the social networking website Facebook, including China, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. Use of the website has also been restricted in various ways in other countries.

What does ‘Facebook cannot set up English (United Kingdom) mean?

I am sure it says ‘Facebook cannot set up English (United Kingdom) at the moment. That means that users cannot use the settings (spellings and autocorrect for example) for UK English (eg colour instead of American English eg color) . What are some good ways to improve English grammar and writing abilities for a non-native speaker?

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What does it mean when Facebook says my account is down?

It means either something wasn’t set up correctly on your device, the app on your device had a problem or 10 hours ago when you asked this question Facebook were having a temporary glitch.

How do I ask for help with the French version of Facebook?

Make sure English is NOT clickable. If it is – hit it – as this means you somehow clicked on French. Otherwise it’s a facebook thing and you’ll need to ask their support directly. Capitalize on digital disruption.