
What a relationship should teach you?

What a relationship should teach you?

Your relationship gives you an opportunity to learn how to control your anger, your reactions, and your defensiveness, so you can find new ways of being affection, giving, and respectful of your partner’s differences. To behave in trustworthy ways that prove your commitment and reliability in the relationship.

What can you learn from your lover?

So here are the lessons that real love teaches us:

  • Love means letting go of expectations.
  • Love doesn’t play the victim role or blame others.
  • Love includes letting go.
  • Love doesn’t require you to continue a relationship.
  • Love has no room for jealousy.
  • Love is the absence of fear.
  • Love is not needing and wanting.

How can I teach my girlfriend lesson?

13 Ways To Teach Your Girlfriend A Lesson After A Fight

  1. When she tries her hand at cooking, tell her her it’s good but not like your mom’s food.
  2. Make her watch Die Hard over and over again, until she realizes her mistake.
  3. Tell her you are taking her on a wine tasting trip and instead take her trekking.
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Should I train my girlfriend?

Here are some signs you MUST train her, and FAST: She’s the one who is the alpha personality in the relationship, not you She undermines your authority in your relationship If your girlfriend is showing any of the signs above… then yes, you MUST train her.

How can I train my girlfriend to be less aggressive?

Let’s start with the short-term way on training your girlfriend… The short-term way is by using a technique called “Operant Conditioning.” Operant Conditioning is simple. It uses positive and negative reinforcement to: Discourage bad behavior. It’s like training a child or a dog. If she does something that pleases you, reward her.

Why does my girlfriend create so much drama?

Most women dismiss it as “needing excitement,” or “just one of my moods,” or “it’s his fault.” So, here’s what that means: Most of the drama your girlfriend creates is subconscious. It’s a response to the lack of emotional rollercoasters in your relationship. Sure, Operant Conditioning might do the trick.