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What are some good alternative endings for Harry Potter?

What are some good alternative endings for Harry Potter?

7 Fans’ Alternate Endings For Harry Potter

  • Harry Potter Lives Forever. Giphy.
  • Harry And Hermione’s Happily Ever After. Giphy.
  • Malfoy Tries To Kill Voldemort. Giphy.
  • Ron and Hermione Break Up. Giphy.
  • 23 Years Later Epilogue. Giphy.
  • The Triumphant Trio. Giphy.
  • All Was Not Well. Giphy.

Is there an extended version of Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2: Extended Edition.

What type of ending is Harry Potter?

Harry chooses to fight. In their final battle, Harry, the true master of the Elder Wand, defeats Voldemort. The trio heads back to Dumbledore’s office, and Harry gives up the Elder Wand. Peace is restored.

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Did Harry Potter have a good ending?

Indeed, it was a happy ending, a good one. The wizarding world was free from Voldemort and the terror which he had created for the past many years. Harry Potter was free of burden of being the chosen one. He could now live a peaceful life without thinking about death.

Is there an extended version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

The extended versions of the first two movies were first seen on the ABC Family TV Network in 2004. However, there have been rumours that Alfonso Cuarón did not want to create an extended edition of Prisoner of Azkaban, so therefore Warner Brothers scrapped it for the rest of the series.

What is the longest Harry Potter film Non extended versions?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Longest film in the series: “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” 161 minutes. Shortest film in the series: “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,” 130 minutes.

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What ideas did JK Rowling reject from Deathly Hallows?

He claims that Rowling told him about about her rejected ideas from Deathly Hallows, some of which include: Harry becoming headmaster of Hogwarts, Ginny turning into a bird, and Harry’s great-great-grandson (who is for some reason named after Voldemort) exhibiting violence that foreshadows him becoming the next Dark Lord.

What happens at the end of Harry Potter?

The ending of Harry Potter finally explained. The journey of the young wizard, from a stowaway orphan who lived under the stairs at his cruel aunt’s home into the prophesied hero who defeated the world’s darkest villain, was nothing short of epic. The final installment of the story was as complex and — at times — bleak as it needed to be,…

What are the Deathly Hallows in Harry Potter?

The Deathly Hallows — as Part 1 explained in animated format — consisted of the Elder Wand, the Cloak of Invisibility, and the Resurrection Stone. When combined, the three gave a wizard untold power, the ability to disappear from Death’s purview, and a means to bring back lost souls.

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What happened in the first shot of Harry Potter Part 2?

In the opening shot of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, dementors loomed over Hogwarts Castle, and Professor Snape — who’d never exactly been the cheery sort himself — observed from on high how much devastation the Dark Lord’s looming presence had caused his school. Students marched in silence without glee.