
What are the negative effects of judging others?

What are the negative effects of judging others?

Judgement makes you Self-Critical The more you judge others, the more you judge yourself. By constantly seeing the bad in others, we train our minds to find the bad. This can lead to increase in stress. Stress can weaken the immune system and cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety and even stroke.

Why is judgment bad?

Judgments can have harmful and negative consequences. They can get in the way of fixing problems, hurt other people’s feelings when you don’t need or mean to, and they can harm your own self-esteem and happiness.

Is being Judgemental a negative trait?

In addition to pride, a person can become judgmental when they are angry at being wronged. Hurt and wounded inside, their heart can grow cold, and they harshly judge the person who mistreated them. A judgmental person will often hyper-focus on someone’s negative traits, making them blind to their positive qualities.

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What is the effect of karma?

The result may ripen immediately after the act or at some remote time in the future, but an effect that matches the cause will eventually follow. The effect of karma can be long lasting. In other words, Karma means that we will reap what one has sown. If you plant good seeds, will have a good harvest. If you plant bad seeds, you will have a bad.

Is karma debt immutable?

Karmic debt being immutable once a karma is created by an action a price of one sort or another eventually must be paid. This is not to make a judgment on anyone. Good people make mistakes and often enough they are big ones.

Is helping others good or bad karma?

Helping others creates good karma which helps mitigate against our own bad karma but as pointed out, there are risks involved. Of course karma being extremely mysterious, when our good deeds get rewarded or our bad deeds come back to haunt us is quite the secret.

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Is karma punishment or revenge?

Karma is not punishment, it’s not revenge, it’s not justice. Karma is the universe giving you opportunities to alter your vibration. Do with that what you will.