
What are the qualities of a good teacher answer?

What are the qualities of a good teacher answer?

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

What are the qualities of your favorite teachers?

Characteristics of a Top Teacher

  1. Enthusiasm. Students can feel the excitement.
  2. Preparation. Teacher knows the subject.
  3. Punctuality. Always arrives on time.
  4. Support and concern for others. Lets students know that he/she cares about their success.
  5. Consistency.
  6. Politeness.
  7. Firmness and control.
  8. Does not play favorites.

What are the 3 most important qualities of teachers team members in 21st century education?

Teachers need to be flexible, life long learners, facilitators, and must know their students.

Which quality is most important for students?

Some of the qualities possessed by good students are:

  • Self-Discipline. Discipline is a must in a student’s life.
  • Diligent. A student should be determined towards studies or any work allotted to him.
  • Punctual. Time is money so every student must value time.
  • Courteous.
  • Team player.
  • Confident.
  • Responsible.
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What are the qualities of 21st century teachers?

15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher. By Tsisana Palmer for

  • Learner-Centered Classroom and Personalized Instructions.
  • Students as Producers.
  • Learn New Technologies.
  • Go Global.
  • Be Smart and Use Smart Phones.
  • Blog.
  • Go Digital.
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    • For teachers to cope with the demand for widening learning opportunities, they must be skillful not just in teaching but also in facilitating, organizing groups and activities. Multi- literate.
    • Multi-literate teachers know how to use various technologies in teaching.
    • Multi- specialist.