What are the students at Uagadou school of magic exceptionally good at?

What are the students at Uagadou school of magic exceptionally good at?

Much (some would say all) magic originated in Africa, and Uagadou graduates are especially well versed in Astronomy, Alchemy and Self-Transfiguration.

Is Uagadou real?

Established. Uagadou is a wizarding school located in Uganda, and is one of eleven wizarding schools registered with the International Confederation of Wizards. As a consequence, it is also the largest wizarding school, as it attracts students from across the continent. It has existed for at least a thousand years.

Which wizarding school is in Africa?

Uagadou was the Ugandan wizarding school, located in the Mountains of the Moon in western Uganda. It was the largest of the eleven wizarding schools, accepting students from all over Africa.

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Which wizarding school is the best?

Harry Potter: 5 Best Wizarding Schools (& 5 Worst)

  1. 1 Worst – Durmstrang Institute.
  2. 2 Best – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  3. 3 Worst – Koldovstoretz.
  4. 4 Best – Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
  5. 5 Worst – Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts.
  6. 6 Best – Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  7. 7 Worst – Castelobruxo.

What are the schools of learning in Harry Potter?

Outside of general education, the wizarding world offers specialised schools of learning as well. Such schools include the Academy of Broom Flying, Charm School, Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages, Merge School of Under-Water Spellage and the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts .

Is uagadou a real school?

Visitors to the school spoke of a stunning edifice carved out of the mountainside and shrouded in mist, so that it sometimes appeared simply to float in mid-air. Uagadou was founded at least a thousand years before the lifetime of Harry Potter, making it roughly the same age as Hogwarts (perhaps even older).

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Is Hogwarts a good school to go to?

For this reason, it is arguably one of the worst schools to go to for general education. Compared to the other Wizarding Schools discussed so far, this one gets top marks for being one of the prettiest schools in the Harry Potter world.

What was the education like in the Wizarding World?

Outside of general education, the wizarding world offered specialised schools of learning as well. Such schools include the Academy of Broom Flying, Charm School, Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages, Merge School of Under-Water Spellage and the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts.