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What are the Top 40 most hilariously wrong exam answers?

What are the Top 40 most hilariously wrong exam answers?

We’ve gather the top 40 most hilariously wrong exam answers so you can learn what not to do! #40) I am the Walrus! #36) Seems Legit… #35) Exams can be scary! #32) A Work of Art!

How do you write a good exam script answer?

A sentence (or two at most) can be helpful to jog your memory in an exam, but only include a short note on what is relevant to the script section) So there you go, that’s a example exam script answer for a question in contract law, where you are asked to classify a term in a contract.

How do I find the best practice exam questions?

The best way to find questions is to get your hands on every available practice exam and write answers to each question. You will realise that the same questions are rehashed each year, with some small variations (which makes sense, because the same material is being taught every single year).

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Why are there bullet points in an exam script?

The bullet points are also just for ease of reading, and wouldn’t be written down in the answer. Here you will find two examples of an exam scripts and skeleton answers. There are also further examples in my post on the IRAC method – the IRAC method is how your script will ultimately be structured.

Should teachers be allowed to read the responses to open ended questions?

The teachers are allowed to read the responses to open ended questions on books they haven’t read, but she says that if people aren’t too familiar with them they tend to pass it off to someone who has actually read it. One day she got a response on a book she had never heard of, so she tried to pass it on to someone else.

Is the interviewer trying to judge you through the question ‘challenging task’?

Is the interviewer trying to judge you or your intelligence on the basis of the kind of ‘challenging’ task that you’ve handled in the past or is there some other motive to it? Yes, of course, there’s some other motive to it. The interviewer is trying to assess your ‘true-potential’ through this question.