
What career should I pursue if I like math?

What career should I pursue if I like math?

Not Sure Which Career is Right for You?

Job Title Entry-Level (0-12 months) Experienced (10-19 Years)
Mathematician $67,690 $99,170
Actuary $60,820 $123,110
Software Engineer $75,630 $103,830
Data Scientist $85,370 $120,980

What to major in if you like physics?


  • Applied Physics.
  • Architectural Engineering.
  • Astronomy.
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Computer Science.
  • Mathematics.
  • Nuclear Engineering.
  • Philosophy.

What jobs can you get with a bachelor’s in mathematics?

Top Jobs you Can Get With a Math Degree

  • Mathematician.
  • Statistician.
  • College Math Professor.
  • Actuary.
  • Market Research Analyst.
  • Economist.
  • Aerospace Engineer.
  • Financial Analyst.

What can I do after 12th science with maths?

Best Courses After 12th Maths, Career Options for 12th Science

  1. Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech)
  2. Bachelors of Science (B.Sc)
  3. National Defence Academy (NDA)
  4. Bachelors of Architecture.
  5. Aviation Courses.
  6. Marine Engineering & Naval Architecture.
  7. Bachelors of Computer Applications.
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Why did you choose to study maths and physics?

The study of mathematical sciences has intrigued me for many years. The decision to study A levels in both maths and physics stemmed from a high interest level and strong aptitude in both subject areas…

Which physics course should I take first?

Students who have never studied physics before and would like a broad introduction should consider one of the introductory seminar courses in Physics or Applied Physics. Those interested in astronomy and astrophysics might enjoy PHYSICS 15, 16 or 17, which is intended for nontechnical majors.

Where can I find information on careers in physics?

You can find information on careers in physics, engineering physics and related fields at these very useful sites: American Institute of Physics Statistical Research Center. American Physical Society, Careers in Physics. Sloan Career Cornerstone Center.

What can you do with a physics and engineering degree?

The physics and engineering physics majors are great preparation for almost any career, because they teach students how to analyze complex problems and they give students a strong quantitative background that can be applied in any technical field.