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What caused English to be a lingua franca?

What caused English to be a lingua franca?

More than 350 million in the world has been speaking English as their first language. Why English has become the world’s lingua franca is due to the fact that is the common language or mode of communication that enables people to understand one another regardless of their cultural and ethnical backgrounds.

Did English come from America or England?

Having emerged from the dialects and vocabulary of Germanic peoples—Angles, Saxons, and Jutes—who settled in Britain in the 5th century CE, English today is a constantly changing language that has been influenced by a plethora of different cultures and languages, such as Latin, French, Dutch, and Afrikaans.

Is American English the lingua franca?

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Globalization and ELF Because of the use of English as a lingua franca in international trade and intercultural communication, native speakers of English are outnumbered by non-native speakers, which is a situation that is quite atypical for western European languages.

What is the lingua franca in the United States?

English is the current lingua franca of international business, education, science, technology, diplomacy, entertainment, radio, seafaring, and aviation.

Why English is considered as a global language?

Answer 1: Many consider English as a global language because it is the one language that the majority of the population in almost every region of the world can speak and understand. Furthermore, the language enjoys worldwide acceptance and usage by every nation of the world.

Will the English remain the lingua franca?

The takeaway is clear: English hasn’t been the lingua franca of the Internet for many years—and as Internet adoption continues to grow worldwide, content in languages other than English will become increasingly vital for business.

Where is English a lingua franca?

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English, she says, “has served as a lingua franca in the past, and continues to do so nowadays, in many of the countries that were colonized by the British from the late sixteenth century on (often known collectively as the Outer Circle following Kachru 1985), such as India and Singapore. …

Why is English spoken in America?

The use of English in the United States is a result of British colonization of the Americas. The first wave of English-speaking settlers arrived in North America during the early 17th century, followed by further migrations in the 18th and 19th centuries.

How did English become the lingua franca of the world?

The rise of English as a world-wide lingua franca can be attributed to one key fact – The United Kingdom and the United States being the successive global super powers. This is the current scope of English throughout the world. Both the U.K and the U.S have English as their vernacular [native] language.

Why is English the most international language in the world?

The international language was in fact French for a while — hence, “Lingua franca.” But English has become more prominent. The answer to your question is really this: The English language has had the supreme good fortune to become the most international language at just the same point in time as Earth has truly become a global village.

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What is the difference between English and other languages?

English in everyday use and informally tends to be from Old English (Germanic), whereas formal, technical, scientific or official English tends to be of French or Latin source. This makes English composition or spontaneous conversation subject to life-long education in choosing on-the-fly how to mix the two vocabulary sets seamlessly.

Is English easier to learn than other Germanic languages?

English is not a very inflective language. Thus, English is easier to learn than inflective languages like Latin, Finnish, Russian, Arabic, etc. There are other Germanic languages that are not inflective (e.g. Norwegian), but the number of native speakers is much smaller.