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What city is Dorne based on?

What city is Dorne based on?

Alcázar of Seville, Spain (Dorne’s Sunspear) The Alcázar serves as the setting for Dorne’s Water Palace of Sunspear, the verdant summer home of the royal Martell family.

Is Dorne based on the Middle East?

(Spoilers All) What IRL nations are supposed to be represented by the great houses? For me, Dorne and House Martell most probably represent a middle-eastern culture, perhaps Arabic, maby Turkish. Or Spanish. The Greyjoys and The Iron Islands represent the Vikings.

Is Dorne Arabic?

In the books, Dorne is supposed to resemble Spain in the Middle Ages. At that time, Spain was ruled by the Caliphate of Cordoba, which brought an Arabian influence into the country. It was progressive society, a melting pot of different cultures and religions.

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Who are the Iron Islands based on?

But Martin has said many times that the Ironborn, with their penchant for longships and raids, were inspired by the Vikings, who were based in Scandinavia. The rocky terrain of the Iron Islands is far closer to that of Norway, with its fjords and archipelagos, than to fertile Sweden or Denmark.

What is the Vale based on?

The Vale = Alps With a coast (The Fingers) on the sea.

Is Dorne Indian?

No. GRRM has stated that Dorne is loosely based on Spain and historically speaking, it’s a little similar to Wales. So yeah, India wasn’t in his mind while designing Dorne. Medieval Europe is the key inspiration for all the landmarks and cultures.

What is King’s Landing based on?

Dubrovnik was the main filming location in Croatia for King’s Landing, a fictional city in Game of Thrones, the famous television series based on the series of fantasy novels “A Song of Ice and Fire” and distributed by HBO.

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What is the history of Dorne in Game of Thrones?

According to legend, Dorne once formed part of a land bridge, called the “Arm of Dorne,” that linked Westeros and the eastern continent of Essos. The First Men arrived in Westeros by crossing this land bridge some 12,000 years ago, and came into conflict with the non-human Children of the Forest that already inhabited the continent.

Where is Dorne located in the books?

In the books. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Dorne is one of the nine constituent regions of Westeros. It lies along the large peninsula which makes up the southernmost part of the continent.

What is the climate like in Dorne?

Dorne contains the only desert on the entire continent of Westeros, and due to its arid climate it has one of the smallest overall populations. It is the only part of Westeros where citrus fruits and spices grow.

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How is Dorne different from the other Seven Kingdoms?

As a result, they have very different customs and traditions compared to the other regions of Westeros. Dorne was a sovereign kingdom before the invasion of Aegon the Conqueror, and weathered his attack to remain one afterwards, the only one of the Seven Kingdoms to retain its independence.