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What college degree can a felon get?

What college degree can a felon get?

A convicted felon is free to pursue any degree she or he wished; however they may be limited in finding work in some particular fields more than others. For example, handling large sums of money for a financial institution such as a bank may not be an option for someone with a prior conviction on their federal record.

Can felons become programmers?

Yes, becoming a computer programmer is a possibility for you as a felon. It’s the type of field that doesn’t require a license or certification. There are many training opportunities available through universities, community colleges, and trade schools.

What is the minimum GPA requirement for Cal Grant A *?

— A minimum 3.00 high school GPA, or minimum 2.40 college GPA is required for Cal Grant A; a minimum 2.00 GPA is required for Cal Grant B.

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How much is Cal Grant A 2021?

Cal Grant access awards for students with dependent children attending a University of California, California State University, or California Community College campus at $6,000 for qualifying Cal Grant A or B recipients and up to $4,000 for eligible Cal Grant C recipients.

Can a convicted felon choose a career in criminal justice?

Choosing a criminal justice career path as a convicted felon is extremely difficult. Most police departments and law enforcement groups will not hire anyone convicted of a felony, and many employers will now run your criminal history before offering you a job. Even working as a college professor with a felony on your record is difficult.

Can a convicted felon get a college degree online?

But there are many fields open to you. Online degrees for felons are out there and designed to improve your likelihood of finding employment. To assist with choosing the right major for a convicted felon, we’ve compiled a list of the ten best online college degrees for felons.

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Is computer science a good major for felons?

Computer science has always been a very popular major due to its ever-changing coursework and demand among employers. The skills and knowledge one learns in a computer science program can be applied to virtually any organization, which gives ex-felons the opportunity to apply to jobs both far and wide.

Can a felon become a doctor or engineer?

You can be an engineer with a 4 to 5 year degree. But to be a doctor, you’ll need much more! So take this into consideration as you plan your degree path. Read up on exactly what you need and what the average length of time is to get there. Often times, the best degree for felons are broad range degrees, like a BS in Business Management.