
What color sapphires are the most expensive?

What color sapphires are the most expensive?

blue sapphires
In terms of color, pure blue sapphires are the most highly prized, and therefore tend to be the most expensive. This is one of the qualities of the Kashmir sapphire, said to be like “blue velvet” in their appearance.

What is the rarest type of sapphire?

Padparadscha Sapphires
Padparadscha Sapphires are the rarest of sapphires. These extremely rare stones are unknown to most, but when discovered usually become an absolute favorite. They are strikingly beautiful and almost no other colored stone compares to this unique mix of pink and orange.

Is sapphire more expensive than diamond?

As you may have already guessed, sapphire engagement rings are more affordable than those with diamonds. On average, though, a one-carat sapphire will cost less than a one-carat diamond. Blue sapphires are the most expensive color because they’re the most sought after.

Are Ceylon sapphires the best?

Ceylon sapphires are considered the finest available sapphires in the world. Kashmir stones are known to be the finest material, but those mines have been shut down for decades and there is no reliable flow of gems from this region.

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What is the rarest color for a sapphire?

The rarest sapphire is the Padparadscha, an extremely rare pink and orange stone that is stunning to behold. However, the most valuable sapphires are the Kashmir variants, which are blue.

Are dark or light sapphires better?

Color has the greatest influence on a sapphire’s value, and preferred sapphires have strong to vivid color saturation. Sapphires with these qualities command the highest prices per carat. Less valuable blue sapphires might also be grayish, too light, or too dark.

How do I identify a Ceylon sapphire?

Ceylon stones have a true cobalt blue color, unlike an Australian or Thai stone that has more of a black-blue color. Because Ceylon sapphires tend to be on the lighter side of the color spectrum, they are generally cut very deep in order to bring out the saturation of color. We look for stones with a medium depth.