
What could Gondor do with the Ring?

What could Gondor do with the Ring?

When Sauron wore the Ring, his “power” was greatly enhanced. Presumably this would have increased his skills in magic, crafting, and combat. The One Ring also allows some degree of control or domination of other minds, especially the minds of other ringbearers.

How did Smeagol get the Ring?

Sméagol obtained the Ring by murdering his relative Déagol, who found it in the River Anduin. Gollum referred to the Ring as “my precious” or “precious”, and it extended his life far beyond natural limits.

Can Aragorn resist the Ring?

Aragorn may have ben able to resist the ring long enough to let Frodo go, but it would have corrupted him eventually. He didn’t want anything more in life, which is why he was so resistant to the ring’s power, and even then it corrupted him by the time he made it to Mordor.

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How did Smeagol lose the Ring?

Gollum had lost the Ring while squabbling with an imp goblin in the network of caves leading to the lake, though in fact it is more proper to say that the Ring abandoned Gollum, for it was known to have a will of its own. As Gandalf says later, it looks after itself, trying to get back to Sauron.

Was Denethor the Steward of Gondor?

[The Siege of Gondor] Even if the official title was “Steward”, Denethor and his family had been the only rulers of Gondor for almost one thousand years, since the death of King Eärnur. Together with Gandalf (almost by his hand) is Aragorn, who is going to claim the throne. Was probably grooming Boromir as his heir.

What drives Denethor to despair in The Lord of the Rings?

This drives Denethor to despair, thinking that all is already lost. Combined with the loss of his son Boromir, years of frustration over being just a steward instead of a king (aggravated by the fact that he knows the heir to the throne is coming), and finally the apparent death of Faramir, it pushes him over the edge.

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Did Denethor know Aragorn’s true name?

Denethor himself held fast to this and he more likely than not knew who Aragorn was, perhaps not his true name, but he knew of his lineage and did not trust him. He was his “rival” in their early days in Gondor and also perhaps loved the power he had.

Can Sauron make a Palantir lie?

In reality Sauron has been using it to show him only bad news (massing armies everywhere, lost battles, the ships of the Corsair sailing up the Anduin (Denethor doesn’t know that they are actually under the control of Aragorn)). Sauron can’t make a Palantír lie, but he can make it show you the part of reality that he wants you to see.