What did Tom Riddle senior look like?

What did Tom Riddle senior look like?

Tom Riddle Senior was a very handsome dark-haired man. His son, Tom Marvolo Riddle, was noted to be the spitting image of him in his early years, which suggests that the older Tom was also tall, pale, and dark-eyed.

What Hogwarts house would light Yagami be in?

Light Yagami (Death Note): Slytherin Light is ambitious, keen, and cunning, and he pretty much has all the traits of a Slytherin.

What Hogwarts house is L Lawliet?

L – Slytherin. While he mostly lacks traits like group focus, I’m still quite sure of this one. L’s cunning and mostly self-preserving work ethic seems so very Slytherin to me. L works based on tradition, the law as is, but at the same time he will break its rules to achieve his goals.

What did Tom Riddle do for a living as a teenager?

When he was a teenager, Tom Riddle worked at the magical shop of Borgin and Burke’s. He was basically a sales assistant: one part salesman, one part clerk. He was actually pretty good at his job, helping his employers score some really cool and really rare magical artifacts to later sell.

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What happened to Tom Riddle in Death Note?

Moving on, in Hogwarts Tom Riddle decides to downplay things for a while as he realizes he’s poor, a minority, and that wizards are pretty damn racist. Throughout his teenage years he becomes Light Yagami from Death Note but with more political ambitions. If you’ve read Death Note then this is a rather frightening and intimidating thought.

What does Tom Riddle look like in the Harry Potter movies?

Over the years, the Harry Potter movies gave us several glimpses of what young Tom Riddle looked like. While the general details of his appearance remained the same (dark hair, dark eyes, dark lord and all that), the character has been played by no less than three young actors.

Is Tom Riddle Damian from the omen?

Tom Riddle in the orphanage is apparently something similar to Damian from the Omen. Already by the age of eleven, when Dumbledore first introduces us to the mini lord of death, he has lynched a rabbit, talked to snakes, and learned how to torture his orphan buddies.