
What dinosaur is most like a dog?

What dinosaur is most like a dog?

A close dinosaur relative, Asilisaurus kongwe, lived some 240 million years ago in what is now southern Tanzania. The peg-like teeth and upturned beak on its lower jaw suggest the animal was a plant eater.

What can beat a T Rex?

A Tyrannosaurus Rex might be known for its ferocious bite, but now scientists say a caiman that lived eight million years ago, had a bite TWICE as powerful.

Can I have a pet dinosaur?

No non-avian dinosaur is good for a pet. They were wild animals with highly attuned “flight or fight” responses to stimuli that would make them difficult and sometimes dangerous. No non-avian dinosaur is good for a pet.

Were dinosaurs as sluggish as modern reptiles?

If true, this would mean that dinosaurs were more sluggish, tail-dragging creatures, like their modern reptile brethren. Fast-forward to modern day, and the scientific consensus is now quite different.

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Why did dinosaurs have such small brains?

Unfortunately for Marsh, his hypothesis is wrong. More likely, the space stored glycogen for when these animals needed extra energy. These dinos’ brains may have indeed been small compared to the rest of their bodies, but they were more than sufficient to keep them walking along]

What kind of dinosaur is this weird creature seen in Jurassic Park?

It has been suggested that the creature seen on the video might actually be some sort of ornithomimosaur – a type of fast, bipedal dinosaur that existed during the Cretaceous Period that resembled a modern day ostrich.

Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded?

Fast-forward to modern day, and the scientific consensus is now quite different. Some studies have found that dinosaurs were mesotherms, or somewhere in the middle between warm and cold-blooded, while other experts concluded that dinos were endothermic, like extant mammals.