Tips and tricks

What do you do when your friend says hurtful things?

What do you do when your friend says hurtful things?

  1. Make sure you read the situation correctly.
  2. Try talking about the issue with your friend.
  3. Discuss it with someone else you trust.
  4. Look for ways to resolve the conflict.
  5. Know when not to talk.
  6. Know when to cut your losses.
  7. Let it go.
  8. Don’t paint all of your friends with the same brush.

Why does my friend say hurtful things?

Often well-meaning people say hurtful things because they’re at a loss for words. Not knowing the right thing to say, they may turn to canned statements, like “don’t worry about it” or “you’ll be fine”—the kinds of statements that tend to be least helpful in difficult times.

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How do you respond to a mean friend?

Defend yourself.

  1. At first, respond with a casual comment to let your friend know that his or her comments are hurtful. Try saying something like, “Ouch! That was kind of mean.
  2. If the meanness continues, let him or her know that you are serious by saying something like, “I’m not joking. You are being unnecessarily mean.

What should I do if my friends are not on my Side?

Don’t paint all of your friends with the same brush. Sometimes people who we think are on our side turn out not to be, for reasons we may never learn. If this happens, don’t seek revenge, but move on and away from the hurt. Other friends can help with this. Most friends don’t set out to hurt us.

Why do people yell at you when they are in pain?

In that brief moment they are yelling out hurtful words, their minds become distracted enough to override their concentration of their pain. It may help to point out to them that this process is understandable; however, their behavior toward you is unacceptable.

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How do you deal with a friend who has wronged you?

Discuss it with someone else you trust. If you can’t get your friend to talk to you, talk things over with someone whose opinion you value. But don’t play the gossip game. It might feel good to turn a mutual friend against a friend who’s wronged you, but in the end it will just make the situation worse.

What to do when an argument is over with a friend?

Holding onto hurt and pain doesn’t do you or your friendships any good. The best thing you can do when an argument is over is figure out what you have learned from it so that you can apply the knowledge the next time. 8. Don’t paint all of your friends with the same brush.