
What do you do when your job is too easy?

What do you do when your job is too easy?

How to talk to your boss

  1. Make an appointment, don’t just grab your boss during a quiet moment.
  2. Tell the truth: Explain that you think your job is easy and lay out your reasons for believing that.
  3. Have a plan to address the situation or at least suggest some remedies.

How do you know if you’ve outgrown your job?

4 telltale signs you’ve outgrown your job, and what to do about it

  1. You’re constantly bored.
  2. You’re not moving toward bigger career goals.
  3. You’re “coasting”
  4. You’re angry.
  5. Talk to your boss.
  6. Make use of the downtime.
  7. Get your résumé in order.
  8. 9 hidden ways to build relationships at work.
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How do you know if you’re too smart for your job?

Some bosses are easily spooked by a smart and capable employee. Here are 10 signs you’re too smart for your job. 1. You sit in meetings biting your lip because you know how to solve most of the problems being discussed, but you don’t want to get a reputation as a know-it-all. 2.

Are You Smarter in your team or in your job?

If you’re in a job, you would certainly be in a team. And if you see that you understand everything in one time whereas your team members are taking hours to understand one simple thing, then you should think about who you are. If it happens, definitely, you’re smarter in your team.

Why do I keep getting bored with my job?

If the second reason keeps on happening, figure out that you’re too smart for the job or the task. You need something else. You can’t keep on doing the same thing again and again only for money. Being smart has its own issues. Getting bored is one of them. This is related to the previous one.

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Why should you not waste your smartness on anything?

You shouldn’t waste your smartness on something that doesn’t motivate you be more, to help more and to leave your mark on earth. To be smart, you need someone to guide you. And that someone should be smarter than you. Everyone needs a mentor to be what they want to be.