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What does it mean if someone says you have a dark side?

What does it mean if someone says you have a dark side?

The negative, troubled, or antagonistic part of someone or something that is usually kept concealed. My mom is always sweet to my friends, but I’ve seen the dark side of her enough to know mean she can be.

Is it okay to have a dark side?

All of us have a dark side. This dark side includes qualities we don’t dare reveal to others. But embracing these negative qualities actually opens the door to happiness, fulfillment and “true enlightenment,” according to Debbie Ford in her book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers.

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What does it mean when a guy says he has a dark side?

What is it? The ‘dark side’ is the part of the self that lies hidden in the shadows of our personality. We are often surprised to learn that it exists and it is usually a part of ourselves that we would rather deny – a sort of motived forgetting. This ‘false self’ is what people present to the outside world.

What is your dark personality?

The term dark personalities refer to a set of socially aversive traits (such as spitefulness, greed, sadism, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) in the subclinical range. The dark personalities have been associated with some of humanity’s greatest vices and also humanity’s key virtues.

What does it mean when someone is in a dark place?

It’s a place where you don’t care too much about anything. It’s a period in your life where the world could be hurting and you don’t seem to care. You feel like you’re numb to pain.

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What happens to the old you when you turn to dark side?

Although after enough time had passed and you fall far enough to the Dark Side, it would probably appear as if the old you was indeed dead and replaced by some evil entity. One interesting case is Darth Nihilus, who was totally consumed by the Dark Side and became some sort of Dark Side poltergeist.

How does the dark side respond to aggression?

First, the Dark Side responds to aggression: “I can sense your anger, it gives you focus, makes you stronger” or from Dooku “You have hate, you have anger, but you don’t use them.” Second, allowing compassion to influence one’s decisions weakens one’s connection with the Dark Side.

What does it mean to fully accept your dark side?

Fully accepting our basic humanity actually necessitates that we acknowledge, and make peace with, our so-called “dark side”—which, finally, is far less dark when we see it for what it is. As Carl Jung said, “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.”

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Should we disclose our dark side?

Given that our dark side embodies our more primitive, pleasure- or power-seeking instincts, must we zealously avoid disclosing it, or reject it as despicable—something other than respectably human and therefore to be shunned and repudiated?