What does it mean when someone says you are clever?

What does it mean when someone says you are clever?

clever, adroit, cunning, ingenious mean having or showing practical wit or skill in contriving. clever stresses physical or mental quickness, deftness, or great aptitude. a person clever with horses adroit often implies a skillful use of expedients to achieve one’s purpose in spite of difficulties.

What makes someone clever?

“A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and they’re able to effectively manage their emotions,” Dr. You may possess other qualities that show off your intelligence, like having the ability to easily connect with others.

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Is clever a compliment?

clever Add to list Share. Clever may seem like a compliment, but this adjective boasts a rather broad range of meanings—from “intelligent” and “imaginative” to “calculating” or “contrived.” The roots of the word clever, are unknown.

What makes a person clever?

What is the negative meaning of clever?

I’ve read in the book “English Vocabulary in Use” (upper-intermediate, unit 38) that the word “clever” is used in a negative way and equals to cunning, crafty and sly. I also read it’s better never call anyone as clever because it might insult but better to use “smart”, “intelligent”.

What does it mean to not understand what the other person feels?

The phrase suggests that you don’t truly understand what the other person feels at all. (Really, how could you?) It suggests that you feel the need to turn the conversation toward your experience, not his or hers, and that ultimately you don’t really care about that person’s concerns after all.

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What are 3030 things guys say and what they really mean?

30 Things Guys Say And What They Really Mean 1. “I’ll call you.” Translation: “I’m not going to call you. Well, I might. Probably not, though.” 2. “I don’t care.” Translation: “You have presented me with an option that, while clearly very important to you, is not… 3. “She’s just a

What is it like to be a male?

Men are, by and large, very simple creatures. Lying d-bags and manipulative a-holes aside, there tends to be very little distance between what we say and we mean.

What do you say when someone says you have good taste?

“thank you, its all natural. “…aaaannnnd you have great taste.” “thank god, i was worried you wouldnt notice.” “thank you, its all natural. “thank god! Last time i was reincarnated, i was an especially ugly snail”