
What does it mean when you dream about kissing another girl?

What does it mean when you dream about kissing another girl?

Dreaming about kissing or even having sex with somebody of the same gender as you could mean a number of things. It could mean your curious about your sexuality. Sometimes people who are completely heterosexual fantasize about having relations with people of the same gender, and it doesn’t always mean anything!

What does it mean to kiss someone in your dream?

Kissing someone or something is a gesture of love and affection. Kissing an amulet or charm also provides luck and good fortune. Dreaming of kissing passionately may signify unfulfilled desire. If someone plants a kiss on your backside in a dream signifies that you can be lured into a false sense of security.

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Why does my boyfriend always cheat on me in my dreams?

If you have frequent cheating dreams, it may be because you feel insecure about your relationship or fear that your partner will find someone “better.” But if you can get it off your chest and let your partner know how you’ve been feeling, it could result in more trust and support — and fewer cheating dreams.

What does it mean when you dream about kissing someone’s girlfriend?

Dreaming about kissing someone’s girlfriend or a boyfriend. If you had a dream about kissing someone’s partner, such a dream possibly reveals your desire to be in love and in a committed relationship with someone. Maybe this dream reveals your jealousy of someone’s happiness in love. Sometimes this dream is a sign of your inappropriate behavior

What does it mean to kiss your father in a dream?

Kissing one’s father in a dream also means benefiting from one another. Kissing one’s son with passion in a dream means saving money for him, or building a business for him. Giving one’s son a tender kiss in a dream means receivingjoy or money from him or from his mother.

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What does it mean to kiss a dead person in a dream?

Kissing a known deceased person in a dream means benefiting from his knowledge or inheriting his money. Kissing an unknown dead person in a dream means that one will receive money from an unexpected source, or perhaps do business with his heirs.

What does it mean when you dream about your boyfriend having a baby?

However, usually pregnancy in a boyfriend dream signifies a new beginning. So if you dreamt about you and your boyfriend having a baby together, maybe the two of you are entering a new phase in your relationship. 3. Dream About Boyfriend Breaking Up with You