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What does it mean when your front bottom teeth hurt?

What does it mean when your front bottom teeth hurt?

Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is caused by other factors, such as a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or gum disease.

How do I stop my tooth from excruciating pain?

10 Ways to Relieve a Toothache

  1. Apply a cold compress. In general, there are two ways to stop or blunt toothache pain.
  2. Take an anti-inflammatory.
  3. Rinse with salt water.
  4. Use a hot pack.
  5. Try acupressure.
  6. Use peppermint tea bags.
  7. Try garlic.
  8. Rinse with a guava mouthwash.

Why does my tooth hurt excruciating?

A lot of tooth pain is caused by inflammation in the pulp or inside part of the tooth. The pulp of each tooth contains lots of nerve endings that are highly sensitive to pain. This can cause the often constant throbbing pain that makes toothache especially unbearable.

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What does a throbbing tooth mean?

Throbbing tooth pain is a sign that you might have tooth damage. Tooth decay or a cavity can give you a toothache. Throbbing tooth pain can also happen if there is an infection in the tooth or in the gums surrounding it. Toothaches are typically caused by an infection or inflammation in the tooth.

How can you tell the difference between a sinus infection and a tooth infection?

How can you tell an abscessed tooth from a sinus infection? Sinus pain usually manifests itself as a dull, continuous pain while the pain from an abscessed tooth increases in intensity. If you tap on an abscessed tooth, you will probably feel a sharp jolt of pain.

Can sinus pressure make your jaw and teeth hurt?

If you suffer from severe seasonal allergies or a sinus infection, you may feel a dull pain in your teeth and jaw. You may also feel a build-up of pressure in the areas around your eyes and nose, which can often extend down into your jaw.