What does Saturn in Aquarius in 3rd house mean?

What does Saturn in Aquarius in 3rd house mean?

Saturn in the third house makes the mental concentration of the native very slow yet steady, and the comprehension power of the native also reduces. Hence, normal educational learnings, philosophical ideas and the truly progressive and liberal ideas of this world come slow to the native.

Is debilitated Saturn bad?

Debilitated Saturn is associated with many bad things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of astrologers that debilitated Saturn always works negatively in a horoscope and it brings bad results for the native under its influence.

What is benefic debilitated Saturn?

When benefic in nature, debilitated Saturn placed in the seventh house of a horoscope can bless the native with good results related to marriage, profession, finances, fame, reputation and many other types of good results.

What are the characteristics of Saturn in the 3rd house?

Saturn in the 3rd House key Traits: good critical thinking skills, cynicism, loneliness, lack of communication, boredom, good analytical ability, dislike small talk, good with systems, good writer, overthinking, good with directions, some social phobias. The 3rd house in astrology is the house of communication.

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Do Saturn problems get better after a Saturn return?

The good news about Saturn is that Saturn problems usually get better after your Saturn return. With effort, you can learn to be more self-confident in your dealings with people who live near you and with your local community. Sometimes people with Saturn in the third house experience delays and hardships on short trips.

What does the 3rd house in the horoscope mean?

The third house is also about transportation and vehicles. On a different level, the third house serves the transmission of information: here belongs everything related to communication in astrology: TV, news, reading, writing, books, etc.

Is Saturn in accidental dignity in the 10th house?

In the tenth house, Saturn is in accidental dignity, because this is the house of Capricorn in the natural chart. If you want to learn more about Saturn in astrology, read this article about the meaning of this planet.