
What does the crystal ball say about your future?

What does the crystal ball say about your future?

COMMON You talk about a crystal ball when you are saying how difficult it is to predict the future. Note: A crystal ball is a glass ball used by some traditional fortune-tellers (= people who predict what will happen to you in the future). They say that they can see visions of future events within the ball.

Who looks into a crystal ball?

If you say that someone, especially an expert, looks into a crystal ball, you mean that they are trying to predict the future. Crystal balls are traditionally used by fortune-tellers.

What does a crystal ball symbolize?

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A crystal ball, also known as an obicular gazer or crystal sphere, is a crystal or glass ball and common fortune-telling object. It is generally associated with the performance of clairvoyance and scrying in particular.

How do you ask a crystal ball question?

Have a question? Want to know the future?

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  • What is a crystal ball used for?

    Crystal balls are popular props used in mentalism acts by stage magicians. Such routines, in which the performer answers audience questions by means of various ruses, are known as crystal gazing acts.

    Where should I keep my crystal ball at home?

    A strong and healthy center can create a solid foundation for all aspects of your life, so this is a good place to start if you’re not sure where to focus. Hanging a feng shui crystal ball in the center of your home brings energy and brightness to this area, which affects all parts of your home and life.

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    What’s another word for crystal ball?

    What is another word for crystal ball?

    clairvoyance divination
    envisagement forward look
    prediction prevenience

    What is crystal ball in astrology?

    In feng shui, crystal balls are used to bring harmonious, calming energy to any space. If a house has many arguments, a clear quartz crystal ball can be placed in the living room to soothe and clear the energy.

    Where do you place a crystal ball?

    Uplift Your Meditation Space Another way to use a feng shui crystal ball is to hang it above your meditation cushion or seat, or in a location so that you can see it in front of you while you are meditating. A crystal ball in this area will bring clarity, harmony, and expansion to your meditation practice.

    What is the purpose of a crystal ball?