What does the prophets say about Socrates?

What does the prophets say about Socrates?

According to the Quran prophets ask no reward from people: ‘I do not ask you reward for it; my reward lies only with the Lord of the worlds’ (Quran, 26:109). This verse corresponds to the personality of Socrates: his divine prophecy, message and call as well as his life full of virtue, wisdom and spirituality.

What did Socrates mean by God?

Socrates also believes in deity, but his conception is completely different from the typical Athenians. While to the Athenians gods are human-like and confused, Socrates believes god to be perfectly good and perfectly wise. His god is rationally moral. His god also has a purpose.

What is the difference between a philosopher and a prophet?

Instead, let’s consider other possible solutions to the problem of prophecy. In order to classify them, it will be helpful to describe briefly the different ways that philosophers and theologians have tried to explain God’s knowledge of the contingent future.

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What did Socrates Teach us about ethics?

Socrates is an example of this kind of ethical approach. He taught that a person should live by the light of reason, follow his conscience, attempt to do good, and not blindly follow customs nor the gods. One of the first lessons I learned from Socrates was how to avoid that arrogance that I mentioned earlier.

How does Socrates defend himself against the charges brought against him?

Socrates defends himself against the charges brought against him by his prosecutor Meletus in two ways. The second defense consists of Socrates responding directly to the two charges brought against him: “corrupting the young” and impiety, or more specifically, “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes” (p.

Is Socrates guided by a daemon?

Socrates often mentions that he is guided by a daemon, a kind of divine spirit, oracle, or “sign,” that takes the form of an inner voice or non-vocal nudge. The guide never tells Socrates what to do. It only indicates when Socrates is not to do something.

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Why does the guide not tell Socrates what to do?

The guide never tells Socrates what to do. It only indicates when Socrates is not to do something. This distinction is important. One way to tell that a dialogue is spurious is if it has Socrates’ daemon tell someone else what to do. Socrates learned over time to listen to this inner divine voice. He acted in service to it.