
What does the Sun line mean?

What does the Sun line mean?

Sun line is the luck line, name and fame line in palm reading. Most palmist interprets the Sunline to be the line of luck and name and fame. I personally do not call Sun lines to be luck line or name or fame line. This does not mean that I disagree with other palmists.

What is a Venus line?

Venus line: Venus represents love, visual beauty, relationships and affection as well as style and the arts. “It’s the place you’ll look and feel most beautiful,” says Dubinet. Finally ready to find the one? You could meet them on your Venus line. Mars line: Mars is passion and energy in regard to achievement.

What does AV on your palm mean?

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The palm of some other people will display the alphabet ‘V’ at the end of the heart line. Such people are considered lucky; they will succeed in all activities taken up. Moreover, financial problems would never bother them. These people would be trustworthy and can gain sincere friends.

What is the Venus Mount line of life?

When the Venus mount line runs along the whole length of the life line, it is an inner line of life. What it generally means is that the person will eventually have a profound sense of their strength or spiritual guidance in life. It is sometimes called the Mars line if it begins from the mount of Mars .

Where is the Mount of Venus on a palm reading?

Mount of Venus – Reading and Meaning The mount of Venus is located on the part of the palm which is at the base of the thumb. This mount is surrounded by the Life line. That line is the guideline for determining its placement on the palm.

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What is the meaning of Venus Mount in astrology?

If the star is at the base of the mount of Venus, the person might have trouble to find true love. When the sign of trident is found on the person’s Venus mount that symbol is considered an excellent sign regarding the person’s love life.

What does a dot or spot on the Venus mean?

The sign of dot or spot on mount of Venus If the person has the sign of a dot or spot on the Venus mount that is considered a bad sign. It could indicate a separation or divorce. It also indicates problems of the reproductive system.