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What Elon Musk says about AI?

What Elon Musk says about AI?

Musk has an epic saga of voicing severe concerns over the harsh potential of AI. In 2014 he tweeted that AI can be more dangerous than nukes and told his audience AI is the biggest existential threat, and humankind needs to be very vigilant about its advancement. He stated: “with AI, we are summoning the demon.

Is Elon Musk creating artificial intelligence?

While Musk is known for his support and development of artificial intelligence, he’s long opposed the pace of advancement in robotics ⁠— often citing a film that came out when he was just 13.

What is Elon Musk’s stance on AI?

Elon Musk has been a vocal critic of artificial intelligence, calling it an “ existential threat to humanity ” back in 2014, and saying “ AI will make jobs kind of pointless ” at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai.

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What is Elon Musk’s OpenAI?

Elon Musk’s own OpenAI company is a great testament itself to the promise of AI. Despite its founder’s concerns, the company just picked up a $1 billion investment from Microsoft for the development of true, general artificial intelligence to mimic the human brain.

Will Ai be the ‘best thing ever for Humanity’?

At the same event quoted above, Musk, yet again, implored for regulation of emerging technologies like AI. “AI will be the best or worst thing ever for humanity.”. Recommending a book by MIT professor Max Tegmark called ‘Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, Musk called AI the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.

Does Elon Musk want to put a chip in your brain?

Like a tunnel digging, traffic ending, company called Boring and a neural engineering company called Neuralink. Basically, now Elon Musk wants to put a chip in your brain. Like a lot of charismatic people, Musk is hard to look away from.