
What feelings did the rich man and the poor man hold towards each other?

What feelings did the rich man and the poor man hold towards each other?

The black and white, the rich and poor, all are guided by animosity against each other. The black man practises racism and is filled with revenge. The rich man considers the poor to be lazy and shiftless; however, the poor man thinks that the rich man is idle and unworthy.

Why did the rich man resent the poor?

Again, the rich man is similarly prejudiced against the poor. He thinks that the poor are lazy and shiftless. So he is concerned with how to keep his wealth safe from the poor. Here, the rich man and the poor man are representative of the entire society.

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How do the wealthy address large groups of people?

Recent studies have shown that most people have a fear for speaking in public. The wealthy, however, overcome this fear by meeting, engaging or simply talking to someone new every day. Practicing this habit daily will help build the confidence needed to address larger groups. 14. The make a daily to-do list

Why do some people become rich and others don’t?

There are many reasons why some people succeed in becoming rich and others don’t, but the specific combination of personality traits that both studies identified is certainly one of the reasons. Rich people become rich because they act differently from others.

What are the characteristics of rich people?

Rich people are greedy and shallow. They get rich by taking advantage of others. They are miserly and selfish. Money is their god. They don’t really care about the poor or less fortunate. Deep down they are not really happy anyway.

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Do the wealthy have a daily to do list?

According to an article on business insider, over 80\%of the wealthy will keep a daily to-do list. And not only do the wealthy write their detailed to-do list out, but they follow through with it as well. To become and stay wealthy, you have to know what needs done and be focused on following through on it.