
What GPA is required for placement?

What GPA is required for placement?

Generally, you need to maintain minimum 60\%-75\% aggregate score throughout the course to have decent chances to apply for placements. So try to score above 7 GPA in the coming semesters so that you get more options to apply for.

How important is GPA for engineering jobs?

Employers that value students who earn perfect or nearly perfect grades use students’ GPAs to determine whether they are qualified for an engineering job. Virginia Tech suggests reporting a GPA above 3.0, but, with companies that want only graduates with an exemplary student record, a GPA lower than 3.5 may hurt.

What is the role of CGPA in placements in CSE?

The best place to find top-notch programmers in a hurry i(Continue reading) As mentioned in other answers, the primary role that CGPA plays in placements is only to help you clear the cut-off which is mostly 6.5-7. But I would like to add some more points: “Why your Pointers are low?” Make sure you are prepared for this question.

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Will students with a 67\% CGPA get placed in IITs?

Yes they will get placed. Students with 6.5 cgpa gets very less opportunities but u need to use it well. Dont worry about cgpa just start preparing for aptitude and then learn ur core technical subjects then u can crack☺ Ankit Shrivastava’s answer to I have 67\% am I eligible for campus placement?

Does GPA matter when applying for a job?

Bottomline is, show them what they are missing out on, by not hiring you, solely because of a low GPA. Another area where GPA would matter, but there do exist ways in which these can be negated to a point where its relevance would fall close to zero.

Is cu Chandigarh University good for Computer Science Engineering?

Chandigarh University (CU) is a Private University accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC. To secure admission into a top-ranked Diploma in Computer Science Engineering college, a number of factors come into play. Students should be aware of the types of questions asked and their difficulty level in various entrance exams.