What happened to Christianity when Jesus died?

What happened to Christianity when Jesus died?

After the death of Jesus, Christianity first emerged as a sect of Judaism as practiced in the Roman province of Judea. The first Christians were all Jews, who constituted a Second Temple Jewish sect with an apocalyptic eschatology.

What would have happened if Jesus had not been born?

If Jesus had never been born, there would be no salvation from sin. If Christ had not come, His substitutionary atonement on the cross would never have taken place and thus there would be no forgiveness, no redemption, no justification, and no salvation. Jesus came to die.

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What happened to Jesus after his death?

According to the New Testament writings he was firstborn from the dead, ushering in the Kingdom of God. He appeared to his disciples, calling the apostles to the Great Commission of proclaiming the Gospel of eternal salvation through his death and resurrection, and ascended to Heaven.

How was Christianity spread during the Middle Ages?

Cyril and Methodius had extensive missionary success in Eastern Europe among the Slavic peoples, translating the Bible and liturgy into Slavonic. The Baptism of Kiev in the 988 spread Christianity throughout Kievan Rus’, establishing Christianity among the Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

Why is Paul so important to Christianity?

St. Paul is often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christianity. His epistles (letters) have had enormous influence on Christian theology, especially on the relationship between God the Father and Jesus, and on the mystical human relationship with the divine.

What did Paul do before his conversion to Christianity?

According to the New Testament book Acts of the Apostles, Paul was a Pharisee; he participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity, in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion.

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Why did Christianity spread so quickly during the Middle Ages?

As the political boundaries of the Roman Empire diminished and then collapsed in the West, Christianity spread beyond the old borders of the Empire and into lands that had never been under Rome.

What if Christ had not died on the cross?

If Christ Had Not Died. Read: 1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. What if Christ had not died on the cross? The writers of the New Testament answer this question by stating clearly why Jesus had to die on the cross. Yes, it is true that Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to the cross to be crucified.

Did Jesus die for our sins according to the Bible?

The apostle Peter declared that “Christ died for sins, once for all” (1 Peter 3:18). The apostle Paul observed that “Christ died for our sins, according to Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Why did Jesus have to die for our sins?

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Was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ a historical accident?

The crucifixion of Jesus was not a historical accident. It was a carefully planned event, as indicated by Paul when he points out that Christ’s death was “according to Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). God had already revealed to His prophets how and why the Son of God would die. Neither was Jesus the unwilling victim of Pilate’s command.

What happened to Christianity after the death of the Apostles?

After the death of the apostles, we do not find great missionary figures of the stature of Paul. Yet the faith continued to spread like wildfire — even though Christianity was declared an illegal religion. Find inspiration with 15 Bible Verses Every Christian Should Know By Heart HERE for you to download or share with loved ones!