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What happened to the Reality Stone after Guardians of the Galaxy?

What happened to the Reality Stone after Guardians of the Galaxy?

The Reality Stone is returned to its timeline Tony Stark used the combined power of the Stones to kill an alternate Thanos and his army. Afterwards, Steve Rogers travelled the Quantum Realm to the alternate 2013 timeline to return the Reality Stone, in its solidified state, to Asgard.

Who is the protector of the Reality Stone?

It was revealed that Warlock picked Thanos to be the guardian of the Reality Stone because he knew better than anyone how dangerous the Gem could be if it wasn’t used carefully. Having wielding the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos had a greater understanding of how they worked than most Marvel characters.

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Why did Doctor Strange choose to save Tony Stark’s life?

According to the theory, Strange chose to save Tony’s life instead of safeguarding the stone because he’s vital to the “endgame” that Strange saw. It’s believed that the billionaire will help Scott Lang aka Ant-Man figure out how time travel can work by using the Quantum Realm.

What if Thanos didn’t know Doctor Strange used the time stone?

What Thanos didn’t know was, Strange DID use the Time Stone. Unlike the series of events which took place during his fight with Dormammu, it happened off screen to save you from the tedium of watching the millions of permutations (14,000,605) where Doctor Strange engages Thanos, loses to Thanos, dies and then the cycle repeats.

What is Doctor Strange’s most powerful artifact?

As one of the most powerful wizards in the universe, Doctor Strange is responsible for protecting one of the rarest artifacts in the universe: the Time Stone. The stone is housed inside of the Eye of Agomotto, one of Strange’s various magical relics.

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Can Stephen Strange save Christine Palmer from certain death?

Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) battles repeatedly to turn back time (easy enough with the Time Stone) and save his girlfriend Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) from certain death (apparently impossible).