What happens if the discriminant is less than 0?

What happens if the discriminant is less than 0?

If the discriminant of a quadratic function is less than zero, that function has no real roots, and the parabola it represents does not intersect the x-axis.

What if the discriminant is less than zero how many solutions do you have?

It tells you the number of solutions to a quadratic equation. If the discriminant is greater than zero, there are two solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero, there are no solutions and if the discriminant is equal to zero, there is one solution.

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What type of solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is zero?

It determines the number and the type of solutions that a quadratic equation has. If the discriminant is positive, there are 2 real solutions. If it is 0 , there is 1 real repeated solution.

When the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero What will be the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation?

When discriminant is greater than zero, the roots are unequal and real. When discriminant is equal to zero, the roots are equal and real. When discriminant is less than zero, the roots are imaginary.

What happens if the discriminant is greater than zero?

When the discriminant is greater than 0, there are two distinct real roots. When the discriminant is equal to 0, there is exactly one real root. When the discriminant is less than zero, there are no real roots, but there are exactly two distinct imaginary roots. In this case, there is exactly one real root.

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Which equation has a solution that is less than 0?

If the discriminant is less than 0, the quadratic equation has 0 real solutions. (Instead of real solutions, the quadratic equation has 2 imaginary solutions.)

What does a zero value of discriminant of a quadratic equation tell?

A discriminant of zero indicates that the quadratic has a repeated real number solution. A negative discriminant indicates that neither of the solutions are real numbers.

What is b2 4ac called?

The solution depends on the value of b2 – 4ac. This term is called the “discriminant”.

What does it mean if the discriminant is equal to 0?

When the discriminant is equal to 0, there is exactly one real root. When the discriminant is less than zero, there are no real roots, but there are exactly two distinct imaginary roots. In this case, there is exactly one real root.

What is the discriminant of a quadratic equation?

The discriminant provides critical information regarding the number of the solutions of any quadratic equation prior to solving to find the solutions. b² − 4ac = 0, Discriminant is equal to zero.

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How do you know if a quadratic equation has no real solution?

The first way to tell if a quadratic has no real solution is to look at the discriminant. If the discriminant is negative, then the quadratic equation has no real solution. Remember that for the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is the expression b2 – 4ac.

How do you find the number of real solutions using discriminant?

Let’s find the number of real solutions of the following function using discriminant: First, make sure that the quadratic is in standard form. This function is in standard form since all terms are on one side of the equation, and the equation is equal to zero.

How many imaginary solutions does a quadratic equation have?

If the discriminant is less than zero, then the quadratic has no real solutions — it will have two imaginary solutions.