What happens if you listen to negative affirmations?

What happens if you listen to negative affirmations?

negative thoughts, if repeated, may create stubborn limiting beliefs which will decide how you respond to certain sitautions and events in your life. These beliefs will definitely affect what you believe you are capable of and so affect the decisions you make. you may feel like a victim.

What are the effects of affirmations?

Self-affirmation has been shown to have powerful effects – research suggests that it can minimize the anxiety, stress, and defensiveness associated with threats to our sense of self while keeping us open to the idea that there is room for improvement.

How affirmations affect your mind?

Practicing affirmations can activate the reward system in your brain, which can have an impact on the way you experience both emotional and physical pain. Knowing you have the ability to manage stress and other life difficulties can help boost confidence and self-empowerment, further promoting faith in yourself.

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Can an affirmation be negative?

In this example “I’m not angry” is not an affirmation, rather it negates the statement preceding it. As such I would say the answer is yes, an affirmation can have a negative tone.

What are some negative affirmations?

Here are a few examples of negative affirmations:

  • “I will never get a good job.”
  • “It is so tough to find love.”
  • “I am always so tired.”
  • “It’s difficult learn a new language.”
  • “I don’t have enough money.”
  • “I cannot control my anger.”
  • “There are always problems.”

How positive affirmation can change your life?

Similar to exercise, positive affirmations can actually increase the amount of feel-good hormones in our brains. Positive thoughts create positive emotions, which can actually change our physiology and improve our mental, emotional, and physical health.

How do you turn negative affirmations into positive?


  1. Create a list of negative thoughts you regularly think or state.
  2. Your list may look like this:
  3. Having compiled the list of negative thoughts, you can now turn them around to something positive.
  4. For more examples of positive affirmations see a useful list provided by e-counseling.
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How do you avoid negative affirmations?

14 Clever Tricks to overcome negative thoughts

  1. Start the day with a positive affirmation.
  2. Dig Yourself Out From “Debbie Downer” Thoughts.
  3. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection.
  4. Turn failures into lessons.
  5. Find humor in bad situations.
  6. Find positive friends, mentors and co-workers.

Are negative affirmations Ruining Your Life?

You may have quite a few negative affirmations running through your head which can change your life in a very bad way. Some of these messages you carry in your head may lead to depression, lack of self esteem and low self confidence. These are things which obviously affect your happiness and well-being greatly.

Are negative affirmations running through your head?

Quite simply, if you repeat something often enough you will start to believe it. You may have quite a few negative affirmations running through your head which can change your life in a very bad way. Some of these messages you carry in your head may lead to depression, lack of self esteem and low self confidence.

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What are the benefits of affirmations in our life?

The affirmations and the resultant mental images get engraved on the subconscious mind, which in turn, changes the behavior, habits, actions, and reactions according to the repeated words. They motivate. They keep the mind focused on the goal.

What is an example of an Affirmation statement?

Examples of I statements would be, “I am secure and confident speaking in public,” “I enjoy eating healthy food,” “I love to exercise,” and “I am a loving and compassionate person.” 2. Affirmations Are Written in the Positive (as Opposed to the Negative). Always state your affirmations in the positive.