What happens if you open a water bottle in space?

What happens if you open a water bottle in space?

When opening the bottle in space, all the air that was initially in it will flow out due to the pressure difference. The inside of the bottle will then become approximatelly vacuum, so when you open it on Earth air will flow in it again.

What causes a water bottle to explode?

The “pop” you hear is caused by a sudden change in air pressure. When you release the cap, the higher-pressure air inside the bottle rushes out into the lower-pressure air inside the room. This sudden expansion creates a pressure wave that you hear as sound.

What happens to the water taken to the moon?

Gradually water vapor is decomposed by sunlight, leaving hydrogen and oxygen lost to outer space. Scientists have found water ice in the cold, permanently shadowed craters at the Moon’s poles. Water molecules are also present in the extremely thin lunar atmosphere.

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What happens to water without gravity?

They both form spheres. This makes sense, as without gravity to tug downward, the forces governing the objects are all the same. So, the water drop (and air bubble) form themselves so they occupy a shape having the least amount of surface area, which is a sphere. On Earth, gravity distorts the shape, but not in space.

Can you crush a closed water bottle?

However, a scientific reason can be that as you know, the air inside the bottle was of low pressure, compared to the outside air. Now, due to confined space, the air inside the bottle will want to go out. That’s the reason why you can’t crush a bottle while it’s closed.

What happens to air in space?

Originally Answered: What happens to air when it is released in space? It goes POOF! In space there is nothing to prevent air from going in all directions at once, and if you could see it, it would disappear in a flash too quick to see.

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Will a water bottle explode if you freeze it?

Even reusable plastic bottles can crack if they get cold enough. Our last word of caution is this: never freeze glass bottles. They will always explode. The glass cannot handle the water expansion as it freezes.

Can a frozen bottle of water explode?

The water freezes. When it becomes ice, its volume expands a lot, since the density of ice is much lower than that of water. So do not fill any bottle completely with water before you put it is the freezer. The bottle will burst – nothing is stronger than the force of expanding water.

What happens when you open a bottle of water in space?

The end result is the bottle stays full of air. If you take the lid off in space the air molecules in the bottle escape, but there aren’t any air molecules in space to replace them, so the bottle will very quickly be empty.

What happens when you take the lid off a gas bottle?

When the bottle is closed, the air molecules hit the walls and lid of the bottle and bounce back, so the air stays in the bottle. If you take the lid off, then because the gas molecules are moving around randomly, and at high speed, pretty soon most of them will have escaped through the opening.

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What happens when you open a bottle of water on the Moon?

The side of the moon in which you have opened the bottle will also play a role. If you open the bottle at the side of the moon facing sunlight, the amount of water that evaporates away before freezing will be high as the temperature in the sunny side is close to 125 degree Celsius.

What happens when you open the exit door of space?

The air has overpressure (since space has effectively zero pressure) so if you open the exit it streams out until the pressure inside equals the pressure outside (i.e. 0). There is really nothing special about space in that respect. Highly active question. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question.