
What happens to a narcissist when you give him the silent treatment?

What happens to a narcissist when you give him the silent treatment?

Unable to feel being ignored, his inflated ego starts hitting him harder and harder. So, after giving silent treatment for a few weeks, the narcissist will likely come back to you. He may start chasing you so that he can get back his narcissistic supply like before.

When does a narcissist return to you?

Also at times, the narcissist returns when he is completely devoid of the narcissistic supply. On such a day when he is completely low, depressed and doesn’t have any supply available, he/she has no chance, except to come back to you immediately. And Finally,…

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Do narcissists ever leave their exes?

No matter how much rude they can be.. The narcissist never ever leaves a person from whom he gets the narcissistic supply. This is the reason why many narcissists even try to get in contact with their exes even years after their breakup.

Why does my partner give me the silent treatment?

These are just two examples of potential reasons why your spouse or partner might use the silent treatment. But they are by no means an excuse for the way they’re behaving. Ultimately, the silent treatment is a form of emotional blackmail and manipulation and is not a healthy way to deal with problems in a relationship.

How does a narcissist react to punishment?

A narcissist will react to any perceived slight, real or imagined with any punishment that they deem fits your crime, the silent treatment being a favourite in their arsenal. We all have an inherent need to belong. To be shut out especially by those we love is debilitating even to the strongest of people.

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What do you do when someone gives you the silent treatment?

People who love you…have your back. They don’t stab you in it or try to kill your spirit/soul. So, when someone gives you the silent treatment, do yourself a HUGE favor CHOOSE YOU & give it right back… then WALK AWAY, shut the door to that relationship, lock it and NEVER go back!

Why does the narcissist ignore and belittle you?

So, that’s the why – the narcissist ignores and belittles and devalues you because it plays on your fear of being alone. It is his hope that in enacting this silent narcissistic rage against you, he will force you into submission and into being the good little narcissistic supply he needs.

Do narcissists stalk you on social media?

Although the narcissist acts as if he doesn’t care, deep down, his mind continuously haunts him and this results in constant stalking. So, all your social media posts, Instagram stories, the places you visited, the people you are hanging out, what not.. everything will be under the radar of the narcissist.