
What happens to the focal length of convex lens when immersed in water?

What happens to the focal length of convex lens when immersed in water?

Now since the focal length is inversely proportional to the (μ−1), therefore the focal length will increase. Hence the focal length of the lens increases when it is immersed in the water.

What happens to the focal length of concave lens when it is immersed in water?

when concave lens immersed in water the focal length of lens increases because focal length of lens is directly proportional to refractive index of medium and when immersed in water the medium become more dancer so its focal length increases.

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What will be the change in focal length when a convex lens and a concave mirror immersed in water compare to air?

In case of spherical mirrors (both concave and convex), there will be no change in the focal length of the mirrors when immersed in water. This is because the focal length of mirrors does not depend on the external medium in which it is held.

Does the focal length of lens change when immersed into water will it increase or decrease?

Yes. Focal length changes when lens is immersed in water.

Does focal length of lens change with changing object distance?

Answer: No, as focal length doesn’t depend on object distance. It depends on centre of curvature and refractive index of material used in making the lens.

What effect do we find on the focal length of a lens when the lens is placed in water instead of air and explain with reason?

Since the relative refractive index of glass with respect to water is less than that of glass with respect to air, the bending of light at the interface of glass water is lesser and hence a parallel beam of light falling on the lens is bent less, to meet at point on the principal axis and hence the lens has more focal …

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How does focal length of lens change in water?

The closer index of refraction results in a smaller deflection of a ray of light passing through the surface of the lens when the lens is in water. This reduced deflection weakens the effect of the lens, meaning the lens exhibits a longer focal length.

What is the focal length of a lens immersed in water?

A convergent lens of glass is immersed in water. Its focal length in water is: A convex lens immersed in water of refractive index 4/3 has a focal length of 40 cm and the same lens when immersed in a liquid of refractive index 2 has a focal length of -20 cm.

What is the focal length of a convex lens?

A convex lens has a focal length of 10cm. When it is immersed in water it will behave as

Is F(water)>F(air) always a convex lens?

It is clear from equations (1) and (2) that f (water)>f (air). Additional Note: If a convex lens is placed in a medium whose refractive index is greater than the refractive index of material of lens, then it will behave as concave lens. Yes.

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Why is the refractive index of a lens closer to 1?

Because the ratio of the refractive indices of the lens and its surroundings (on both sides) is closer to 1.