
What happens when a priest is accused of sexual misconduct?

What happens when a priest is accused of sexual misconduct?

The response to allegations of sexual abuse in a diocese was largely left to the bishop or archbishop. Many of the accused priests were forced to resign or were laicized. In addition, several bishops who had participated in the cover-up were also forced to resign or retire.

Can a priest ever break the seal of confession?

The Catholic Church has traditionally taught that the seal of confession is absolutely inviolable under all circumstances. Breaking it for any reason is a grave sin punishable by excommunication.

What is canonical investigation?

Known in Tagalog as dulog, this initial interview is required by the Church so they can find out any possible obstacles to your upcoming wedding. More importantly, the canonical interview lets them determine your knowledge of the doctrines, duties, and responsibilities of a Catholic marriage.

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Should priests break the confessional seal to report abuse?

Others agree that priests have a duty to report cases of abuse, even if that means breaking the confessional seal—and it is not only politicians who hold this view. Geoffrey Robinson, the retired auxiliary bishop of Sydney, has said he would be prepared to break the seal for the sake of the greatest good, the protection of innocent people.

Can a priest mention a confession he heard but not identify it?

In other words, there may be occasions when a priest may mention a confession which he heard, but in a way that does not reveal the identity of the person who made it. Seminary professors, for example, can provide their moral theology students with examples of concrete ethical situations that they encountered in the course of hearing confessions.

Are there any exceptions to the seal of the confession?

No exception is allowed. The priest would be expected to go to prison, if that were the case, rather than violate the seal of the confession. NOTE: While I am not a Catholic, I agree with that positon. Now, let me propose another hypothetical situation. Let us say you are good friends with a priest.

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Do Catholics ever confess their crimes to a priest?

While most Catholics will never confess such heinous actions, it is important for all of us to be sure that what a penitent has confessed remains between him, his confessor, and God Himself. (Part II can be read here .) Why is Google hiding the posts on this website in its search results?