What happens when infatuation fades?

What happens when infatuation fades?

The main reason that relationships start to fall apart after the infatuation stage is that inevitably, your differences arise. The differences were always there, but they become clearer and the newness and excitement of a new relationship wears off.

What does infatuation do to the brain?

Infatuation does so much more than manipulate the reward center of your brain. The euphoric feelings associated with infatuation are products of a not-so-delicate dance of adrenaline, norepinephrine, PEA (phenylethylamine), testosterone, estrogen, and declining serotonin levels intermingling with a lack of serotonin.

Why does rejection hurt so much?

This is probably also why most people have a “herd” mentality and like to follow along with the pack rather than taking charge of their lives and actions. Of course, rejection causes us more than some emotional pain. It hurts our self-esteem, causes us anger or sadness, and knocks us off course from feeling stability in our lives.

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Is rejection inevitable?

As much as we’d like for everything to always go our way, that’s not the way the universe works. While rejection is pretty much inevitable in some capacity, it still hurts. It’s painful to get shut down for something you want, whether it’s a date with a crush or a job at your dream company.

What happens when you feel rejected all the time?

The experience of rejection is overwhelming either way. And it is a big deal. Always feeling rejected can lead to: Extreme loneliness. It is highly recommended, if you recognise yourself as someone who is easily overwhelmed by rejection, to seek support.

How does rejection affect our feelings of social connection?

Whatever the reason, a lack of these social connections is sure to spread to everything in our life like a virus. It can sap our physical and emotional health and make us less productive. Rejection hurts our feelings of belonging and thus dampers our feelings of social connections. We need to take actions to undue the damage done.